6 Possible Reasons for Choosing Xamarin in Mobile App Development

Digitalization and digital innovation has brought tremendous change in today’s technology-driven world. Any business feels it needs its digital presence through a website, a mobile app, social media or other digital channels, with the ever-expanding digital world. Mobile apps are one of the big platforms for rapid speed. Over the past few years desktop users have fallen sharply because every pocket has a smartphone. The need of the hour is to effectively attract the target audience for each business.

It is a challenge for mobile app developers to exist with various operating systems. Cross-platform mobile app development tools help a mobile app to run on several mobile operating systems, such as android, iOS, BlackberryOS, Windows. Several frameworks are available to enable the cross-platform app development. Xamarin is one such application used to successfully build cross platforms.Businesses are now working to develop smartphone apps to reach a wide range of users across a wide variety of operational channels such as iOS, Android and Windows. The development of hybrid mobile apps has major cost and time benefits. Xamarin’s cross-development framework enables Xamarin developers to create apps on a common C# codebase that include a native UI, native API access and native performance. Xamarin facilitates automated testing of apps to detect bugs faster before the app is shipped.

Related Reading :- Can a Xamarin App Development Company Build Complex Apps at Low Cost?

Here are the Reasons Why your Enterprise should search for Xamarin Developers:

  1. Target Large User Base

Xamarin Mobile Apps are developed on a common coding base that enables developers to take the “write-once-run-everywhere” approach. Xamarin is equipped with PCL or Portable Class Libraries, allowing developers to write and distribute code through Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin Android and Windows Phone. In this way, apps built on the Xamarin platform can be aimed at broad iOS, Android and Window users.

  1. Easy for Developers to Adapt

Only one language is needed for Xamarin, ie. C#. It requires experience in the .NET framework, which developers know very well. Most of the other cross-platforms need to use several languages and frames, and this makes it tedious for the developers. In addition, the core classes used on other systems have different ways of executing identical commands.

  1. Native Performance

Xamarin enables applications to deliver native output across platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, etc. Xamarin uses different channels of the same language, APIs and IDE. Xamarin applications have the ability to use custom platform hardware acceleration and to function natively.

  1. Compatibility of Device

The Xamarin applications are supported by a wide variety of smart devices, including mobile phones, wearables and tablets. This is another inspiration for Xamarin to create applications. Xamarin applications are not only supported across multiple platforms, they are also a preferred app development platform on multiple devices.

  1. Data Security

Xamarin apps maintain a high degree of safety when incorporated with third party applications like SAP, Salesforce, Azure, Oracle etc. Xamarin enables simple and safe data integration across all platforms and offers access to enterprise data and processes.

  1. Xamarin Component Store

In the Xamarin Component Store, Xamarin offers a genuinely collaborative and shared development environment with many free and paid components such as UI controls, cross-platform library and external web-based resources that can be used in code. This environment is clearly noticeable. The part store is included in Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio extensions of Xamarin.

Conclusion :- Xamarin offers genuinely advanced cross-platform native applications that can boost the development of any business with a premium user experience. With a large Xamarin group, which seeks to strengthen the cross-development framework, Xamarin controls hybrid application development.